Sunday, April 13, 2008

Realists need not apply...

ISO (that means "in search of," for those of you who don't make a habit of reading personal ads... not that I do or anything... but let's all admit that they can be pretty entertaining, and maybe, just maybe, there's someone interesting in there... right? no?... ANYWAYS): 

Friends, family members, and acquaintances willing to lie, stretch the truth, be unrealistic and simply just tell me what I want to hear for the next week of my life.  Those with experience having lofty, seemingly unattainable goals are especially encouraged to contact me.  If you would like to talk about how beautiful the weather is going to be on April 21, give me a call (and by "beautiful" I mean beautiful by my definition: overcast and 47-50 degrees).  If you would like to discuss how GREAT I'm going to feel after I successfully run 26.2 miles in said "beautiful" weather, let's do dinner.  But if you want to be realistic and/or reasonable, want to speak logically, or based on precedent (especially when referring to the weather), don't talk to me until next Tuesday.  I'm not interested in hearing from the voice of reason right now, I would much rather talk to the voice of unreasonable optimism.  Thanks.

Is it obvious that Lindsey and I talked this morning?  

1 comment:

AshleyBS said...

I'm nervous that you are Lindsey or Lindsey is you and really, that you have multiple personalities because your blog and Lindsey's blog may have been identical. As though 53 Green didn't have enough personalities - we have one resident with a few, but at least the weather will be great for Marathon Monday!