Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Finally, another blog post...

I have had a mean case of writer's... er, blogger's block, this past week. It's not that I've had nothing to write about- actually, quite the contrary, the past week has been filled with interesting things: an eventful final battle with the hills on Thursday with DFMC buddy Lindsey, a not so great long run with the group in Southie on a drizzly Saturday morning, a very fun post-race party after Shifter's race (which I didn't run) on Saturday afternoon (fun brought to you courtesy of Jack Daniels)- see, I have had plenty of fodder for good blogging and yet each time I sat down to write I came up empty handed. I found myself wondering out loud "Have I lost the ability to blog?!"

No, no, dear reader, don't you worry, that's not the case. Turns out, I've still got plenty of blogging left in this head of mine (phew!), I was just trying to blog about the wrong things. While this past week has been full of fun things to blog about, my head has been elsewhere, thinking of just how much time I'm going to have on my hands once this is all over.  I know, I'm getting a little ahead of myself here, the marathon still hasn't even happened yet.  But seriously, whatever will I do with myself once the marathon is done?  How will I occupy my Saturday and Sunday mornings without group runs?  What will I eat for dinner on Thursdays if I'm not at Crossroads?  How will I torture myself on Tuesdays without my weekly trip to the track?

Up until recently I have actually had a little count down in my head going until I get my life back, but as the time approaches, I'm starting to wonder, Is that the life I really want now?  I mean, obviously there are things that I miss- my friends for one, I feel like I haven't seen them in ages, and the ability to go away on the weekend without feeling guilty about missing a run for another- but overall, do I really want to go back to my old ways? I don't think I do... at least not entirely, and I'm not even sure I could if I wanted to.  These have been some of the most amazing, excruciating, frustrating and happy months of my life, and I simply don't think it's possible to come out of that unchanged.  It's funny because if you had told me that cold November morning of the first timer's run that it was the beginning of a life-changing experience, I probably would have laughed in your face. Afterall, I had spent the night before being angry at a boy and drinking too much wine, then I had quite literally dragged myself out of bed to go run 4 miles (only 4 miles!) in the cold... it certainly didn't seem like the beginning of anything magical.  But magical is just what it has been, and it's hard to believe it's almost over.

At least one thing that's sure to stick around after the marathon is over is all of the new buddies that I have made through DFMC (that is, if they're not totally sick of me by that time :)
Which brings me back to the fun things I mentioned in the beginning that I have been trying to blog about all week.  Here's a picture of me and some of said buddies after Shifter's race this past weekend:
Which reminds me of yet another thing I can't wait to do again once the marathon is over... shower before going out to a bar :)

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