Friday, April 18, 2008

The last pre-marathon blog (unless I think of something very profound to say over the weekend)

I've been trying to write a blog all day. The final blog... well, the final pre-race blog anyways. That's a lot of pressure. I mean, what is there to say, as I sit here about to take on the Boston Marathon, THE marathon, that won't sound inadequate? Nothing. Nothing I can say can really measure up to the magnitude of this moment for me. So, instead, I'm just going to say thank you.
Thank you to my dad and my roommate for putting up with me and listening to me babble endlessly about running. You guys deserve a medal... or a cookie, I bet you'd both like that better :)
Thank you to my friends who have been more than understanding of my vanishing off the face of the earth for 6 months to dedicate myself to training.
Thank you to the marathon & running programs people at DFCI who make the whole DFMC thing happen.
Thank you to all of the DFMC volunteers for waking up at the crack of dawn and standing out in the cold while we all ran around like a bunch of crazy people.
Thank you to the friends, family and complete strangers who donated. I surpassed my fundraising goal and I owe it to all of you.
Thank you to my DFMC buddies for simply being the best. I could never have gotten to this point without you... whether going out for a run or going out for drinks, you guys have made these past few months some of the most memorable of my life.
And finally, thank you to my mom. Mom, I know you're out there reading this or listening to my thoughts somehow. Thank you for being an amazing mother, and for leaving me with the most beautiful memories of you. I know it was you who somehow led me to where I am now, raising an incredible amount of money for cancer research and about to run the Boston Marathon. You have been with me through every step of this process. Thank you for keeping me strong and giving me the motivation to do this. Love you.

So, with that, I bid you all adieu until after the marathon. 3 days and 26.2 miles to go... Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

susan said...

You're always making me cry. I miss her too.