Monday, January 14, 2008

"Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?"

This girl ran 12.6 miles yesterday!! That's right, yesterday, Sunday morning, my favorite morning for sleeping in and general laziness, I dragged myself out of bed at 6 am, made myself a peanubutter and jelly sandwich (we don't have much for breakfast food at good ol' 53 green) tied on my running shoes and loaded myself and all of my worldly running possessions into a zipcar for a nice drive out to Waltham, and then I ran 12.6 miles! Go Me!

Once again, I cannot in any way take all of the credit for this extraordinary display of motivation. It all came with the help of the awesome people at Dana Farber and all of my fellow runners. Honestly, if left to my own devices, I probably would have stopped my run at mile 7 or 8, but with the help of my new running buddy, Lindsey, and the cheers of "good job" from our fellow runners and volunteers at all of the water (and more importantly peanut m & m) stops, we made it through. We even ran a little farther than planned. Upon coming to the point where we had to decide either to run 11.9 or 12.6 miles, we consulted one of the women at the water stop as to which way she thought was less hilly; she pointed to the 12.6 mile road. Given that we had already run 4.5 miles of hilly (albeit, quite beautiful) terrain, we chose to do more mileage over more hills. You know you've got serious problems when you will run further to avoid hills. Speaking of serious problems... why is it that when you run your butt always remains the coldest part of your body? (this just goes to show that when you run with someone for 12 miles the conversation really does wander...)

All in all though, despite the hills and the distance and the cold butts, it was a great run. I didn't even feel too horribly afterwards! That being said, I did go home and sleep for 2 hours and then make myself a huge thing of baked macaroni and cheese...

Off day today... I'm going to the Celtics game with my roommate Ashley! Funny thing is though, I'm actually looking forward to going running tomorrow!

Go Celts!

1 comment:

Art said...

Lauren, you are so there for April 21st. Good job. The crowds will pull you along. It is "kicks and giggles" all the way. PB&J is my longtime, tried-and-true pre-long-run food. Good stuff. Your DFMC 'coach'.