Monday, January 21, 2008

LFA Caxy Posse...

If you didn't go to Lake Forest Academy for high school, you probably have three questions upon seeing the title of this entry; 1) What the heck is a Caxy? 2) Why in the world is she using the term posse? 3) What does this have to do with a marathon? As far as a Caxy goes, in literal terms, it is a frog noise. But it's not just the noise of any frog- it's an ancient Greek frog, and it was our high school mascot at LFA. (Yes, our mascot is an ancient greek frog noise... don't get me started on the psychological damage this has caused many of us LFA alumni) For more info on a caxy (if you really care) visit the LFA website, they go to great lengths to describe it and to make it sound like a legitimate mascot. Anyways... moving on to question number 2- the phrase LFA Caxy Posse is part of one of our favorite cheers at LFA sporting events. So, what does all of this have to do with marathon running? This past week the teachers and faculty at LFA kicked off my most successful week of fundraising yet! The grand total as of today is just short of $2000. I have never been more proud to be a Caxy!

And now for something completely different- it is VERY cold here which is not exactly providing me with much motivation to run outside. We also didn't have a group run this weekend, further adding to my lack of motivation to just get myself out there. Add to that the fact that yesterday was the big Patriots game (Tom Brady is so dreamy...) and you have the perfect storm for me not going running this weekend. I'm feeling a little guilty about it, but I somehow weasled my way out of having to work today (I work in international markets and therefore rarely get to celebrate holidays such as MLK day) so, I'm thinking I'll do my long run today. 10 miles is our scheduled run, so at least it won't be too long. I can't even believe I just said that...

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