Wednesday, January 23, 2008

An Ode to Advil

A ten mile run
Can be lots of fun
But running lots of hills
Makes me reach for these pills
When my joints start to ache
These pills I will take
Small, orange and round
They're the best cure around
Without this magical cure
I'd be done running for sure
Advil, without your pain healing powers
I'd be writhing in pain after long runs for hours
So, to you, Advil, I dedicate tonight's long run,
You'll carry me over the Newton Hills and into Boston

So, I'm clearly no Shakespeare, but I think my feelings on Advil are quite apparent. Moving on...

Crossroads run tonight! I am going to try (key word here is try) to run my long run tonight because Ashley and I are going away on vacation this weekend and who really wants to run 16 miles when they could be on the beach in Turks and Caicos drinking Pina Coladas? (Not me) Speaking of Turks and Caicos... look where we're going to be this weekend...

Pretty amazing, right? I am super excited to take a break from the cold and spend a little time in the sun :) But, because I am going to be basking in the sun I am going to miss our group run this weekend. So tonight, in the frigid Boston night, I am going to attempt to run 16 miles; my longest and most daunting run to date. My reward? Some Advil. Oh, and a beach vacation... I'd say that's pretty good motivation to get it done.

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