Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Things that are awesome about DFMC and running a marathon

(let's keep in mind that I haven't actually run the marathon itself yet, so this is the list so far...)

1) The nicest people in the whole world run for and work for Dana Farber: Last night as I left the post runner's meeting Boston Beer Works gathering with Lindsey (another DFMCer, the one with the cold butt if you recall from an earlier post) I couldn't help but notice the warm fuzzy feeling I had inside after hanging out with the DFMC crew. "But Lauren," you say, "couldn't that feeling be attributed that to the beer? You were, afterall, at Boston Beer Works." You make a good point, Reader (maybe I should just address the reader as Ashley because I think she's the only person who reads this), however it was not merely a beer induced warmness. The Dana Farber group really is the most amazing group of people I have ever met. It is simply impossible to leave a meeting, a run, or an outing with these people without a smile on your face. Upon arriving at the meeting last night I knew approximately three people in the DFMC group, and by the time I left last night I felt like a member of a big, happy family.

2) If you're training for a marathon you can eat whatever you want whenever you want: Even though the nutritionist said this wasn't true, I'm sticking to my guns on this one. My next incredibly unhealthy post long run food; a pie (a suggestion from a fellow runner)

3) Crossroads runs: When else can you justify following up your 9 mile run with beer and pizza? The nutritionist did say carbs are important...

4) Lots and lots and lots of time to think: I don't think I have spent this much time alone with myself in years. Your mind really wanders when you're out on a long run by yourself... it's a good time to do some real soul searching. Or to have a conversation with your legs...

5) An excuse to stay in bed all day on a Sunday: What's your reason for spending your day in bed? I ran 15 miles... beat that.

6) Lots of awesome new buddies: See reason #1

7) The chance to reconnect with people you may have lost touch with: I can't believe the number of people who have contacted me after they found out I was running the marathon for Dana Farber, most of them to say that they couldn't believe that I actually thought I was going to run 26 miles. But in all seriousness... people have really come out of the woodwork to support me, and it has been great getting to hear from people who I haven't talked to in awhile.

8) The feeling you get knowing that you are doing one heck of a crazy thing for a great cause: Maybe not everyone thinks running a marathon is crazy, but I certainly do, and I'm voluntarily doing it. But everytime I log onto my fundraising page and I see the picture of my mom, my sister and I next to that fundraising goal, I can't help but feel proud at what I'm doing, and it makes all of the crazy that goes along with it totally worth it. It's a great feeling to know that you are contributing to something as important as finding a cure for cancer.


tyler513 said...

Lauren, there are lots of people that read your blog, so keep it up!

I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying the DFMC experience; being a first-time DFMCer and marathoner last year, I felt the exact same way. Now being in my second year, I am just as excited because people like you and Linds, and so many others bring a ton of energy and excitement to the group.

Yeah, you’re doing something a little crazy, but it’s for a great cause, an important cause; that’s what makes it so special. Plus you get a free T-shirt, which is nice.

Whoever your nutritionist is, you have to fire her. Of course you can eat whatever you want when training for a marathon. I might disagree for the whenever. Take for example the time that I had spicy Thai food about 2 hours before a 7 miler… let’s just say that miles 2-7 were nothing nice. Seriously though, we deserve to treat ourselves and reward our personal accomplishments, the key is moderation. Have I told you how I recently found out that my favorite Starbucks muffin has 500 calories! Needless to say, that has become a special treat once a week.

Pizza and beer need no justification. Running 9 miles is just something to do between the time we get out of work and dinnertime.

Keep up the great work; I’m glad that you’re my teammate.

Unknown said...

That's funny because every time I log on to your site and look at that picture I think "Ohhh yes...I am hot."

Different priorities I guess :o)

Have you ever seen Run Lola Run? If not, I think you should for inspiration. And it is just freaking awesome.

Laura said...

Lauren -

I am loving your blog. Actually, I am currently in class, and having a blast not learning anything as I read all about your far more interesting life.

I would like to make a food suggestion to help you with your search for the best after-running meal - Chocolate Cake from Portillo's (at least 2 slices is a must, with a glass of milk) - is there a Portillo's there? All I know is that I have been craving Portillo's chocolate cake for 3 weeks now and there isn' one in Champaign, and it makes me want to cry. Ok - no - it actually makes me cry. I have decided that if I am ever to get married, Portillo's chocolate cake will be my wedding cake, and if I don't get married, then I will just eat it all day every day until they run out of chocolate in the world. I guess you know the state of my life these days.

I have a marathon of 3 weeks of tests coming up - so I will be doing some grueling mental workouts while you are running till you puke and after these next 3 weeks are over I will be a good friend and call you.

Keep on running!
Lotsa love, Laura

AshleyBS said...

Just catching up on my Lauren blog and dude - you got three comments to this one - ABOUT YOUR DIET! They want you eat whatever you want! I like the DFMCers. I might not run with the best of them, but I can eat with the best of them.