Friday, February 8, 2008

"OOOHHH we're halfway theerreee...

...Whooah livin' on a prayer!"

Ok, I'm jumping the gun a little on this one, I'm not quite to half way yet, but I'm awfully close. My official fundraising total on the DFMC website is $4283, but I happen to know that I have a few checks sitting at home ready to be mailed in which will bring my grand total just short of $4500!!! The fundraising has been going really great these past couple of weeks and I definitely have to thank my fam for that one, especially my dad and my grandmother. They have been really great and have forwarded my email on to tons of people who I never would have been able to reach if left to my own devices. Thanks a ton to everyone who has donated so far! Only $4500 more to go!!

"Take my hand, we'll make it I sweeaaar" (I am never going to get this song out of my head...)

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