Tuesday, March 4, 2008

You are what you eat...

Some of the more experienced marathoners among the DFMC crew have told me that I should start paying attention to what I eat on the nights before long runs and how I feel during the runs afterwards. That way, come marathon weekend I can try and replicate that so I feel my best on race day. Well, I've been giving some thought to my run this past Sunday and, despite the fact that I didn't feel awesome, I would have to say considering the crazy distance and the fact that I was all alone for a lot of the run, I felt pretty good for the duration of my run. So, with that in mind, I thought about what I had eaten the night before: a bottle of white wine, enchiladas, and a margarita. Despite my success on the run, for some reason I feel like that may not be the perfect pre-marathon meal...

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