Friday, March 7, 2008

"When you're young you get sad, then you get high..."

Last night I have to say I was a little bit heartbroken that I didn't get the chance to do my weekly 9 miler in shorts (it got a little too chilly once the sun went down), but I also have to say that I had a GREAT run. I didn't feel tired, I didn't have any aches and pains (ok, I didn't have many aches and pains) and when I finished I had that great high that only comes from finishing a really exhillerating run. It has been so long since I felt that way after a run that I almost forgot what the fabled runner's high felt like. But now that I remember I don't intend to go that long without feeling it again. As of last night, running is back in my good graces and, strangely enough, I have the Hills to thank for it (no, i'm not talking about the tv show). So, thank you, Heartbreak Hill, you have restored my faith in running again... hopefully I'll still feel the same way next week :)

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