Monday, March 10, 2008

If the Shoe Fits

Tonight I am happy to present to you (drum roll please...)
My new shoes!!!

I know what you're going to say "Lauren, you totally just got those shoes because they are silver and gold- they probably aren't even your size.  And, a little off the subject, but did you clean your room?  Your floor is abnormally clean."  Well, for your information, Reader, I did not pick these shoes for their color (though I do admit to an unhealthy obsession with metallics) These beauties were selected just for me by the wonderful experts at Boston Running Company in Beacon Hill.  And, yes, I did clean my room.  Thank you for noticing.

Anyways, this evening I decided to take my new sneaks out for a spin on my old 6 mile running route (up the river to the Longfellow bridge, back down along Storrow Drive, cut through by Haymarket, around the North End and back home over the Charlestown Bridge with a final sprint up Green Street).  Between group runs, track workouts, and Crossroads, not to mention the brutal winds that attack runners along the Charles River, I have to say that my old loop has been severely neglected these past few months, so I was excited to get back out there on familiar ground.  

It was an absolutely perfect night for a run- about 37 degrees, clear skies and not too much wind.  The city looked so beautiful, the buildings all shining in the moonlight and their reflections sparkling off of the Charles.  As I ran up the River and over the bridge towards the city it was all I could do not to stop and admire the scene around me.  One thing that I've found out about running recently is that when you're running you have the opportunity to see things from a much different perspective than most people.   The sun coming up over the River as you run past Harvard, the animals out frolicking in the woods before most people are even awake, the city almost empty early in the morning, the skyline on a cold March night- these are things most people never get to see.  Call us runners crazy, but we get the chance to see some of the most beautiful sights that both nature and the city have to offer.  As I came across the Longfellow Bridge, a song by the Shout Out Louds came on my ipod.  The lyrics go "And tonight I'm telling you everything, I'm never ever going to regret this..." (I swear, you can't make this stuff up) and I couldn't help but think I am certainly not ever going to regret signing up to do this crazy marathon... just look at all it has given me and I haven't even run it yet!

Anyways, my new shoes performed fabulously, despite the fact that I tied the right one a little too tight and nearly squeezed my poor foot to death (a quick lace adjustment fixed that problem).  I can't wait to try them out tomorrow night at the track :)

Oh, and I can't write this entire blog about my new shoes without thanking the one person who was responsible for the purchase of said shoes... my grandmother.  A couple of weeks ago she sent me a check to get myself some new marathoning shoes... Thanks Grandmother!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you blog - Tyler sent me. I'm in California, living vicariously through my teammates blogs and this one really struck me. My husband and I lived in Boston for two years while he was at the B school and how well I know your River loop. I could close my eyes and see the images you described. Thanks for bringing those back to me. By the way, I love your new shoes. Isn't Mike at the Boston Running Company the BEST?! He took great care of my tootsies last year and we even had some transcontinental correspondence. So.... good luck and enjoy this experiene of a lifetime.