Sunday, March 30, 2008

I better write this now while I'm not too sore and can still be positive...

1 Zipcar, 1 peanut-butter and jelly sandwich, 9 Sports Beans, 8 water stops, 4 mint chocolate gu's, lots of awesome volunteers (Thank you!!!!), 1 Channel 5 News guy (and 1 horrible video of my butt as I ran away from him), 22 miles (yes, you read that right!), 1 bagel, 1 great shower, a 4 hour nap, 1 pizza, and 1/2 a pint of ice cream later... and it's TAPER TIME!!!!!

Today was my longest run ever and my last really long run until the marathon!  With a 22 mile run under my belt, I finally feel ready for the marathon both physically and mentally, which means I can go confidently into my taper and really focus on taking care of my little nagging knee pain (which I am happy to report, with the exception of the first few miles this morning, hasn't bothered me today... maybe I'm miraculously healed?)  I'm still in a bit of shock and, despite my 4 hour nap, still quite tired, so I'll write something more exciting later.

Happy Tapering!

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