Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Back at it

For some reason, this afternoon I was compelled to pop on over to the old blog. I'm really not sure why. I certainly knew that there wasn't going to be anything new there - after all, I have barely even glanced at the thing since 2009, never mind written anything. But regardless of reason, I found myself looking back at some of the old posts and thinking to myself about how, at least in the beginning, I really enjoyed blogging. Not to mention, I have this great record of training for my first marathon - how it was hard, how it was great... really, how it all changed my life.

This year, after running Boston, my 5th, I'm planning on hanging up the old running shoes. Well... that's sort of over-dramatic - more specifically, I'm planning on hanging up my Boston Marathon running shoes. Honestly, I'm not sure I'll actually follow through with that plan. But, after 5 years, and over $50,000 raised for Dana-Farber, I think I'm ready for a new challenge. Don't get me wrong, I will always support Dana-Farber, and DFMC. They are two things that will always be an important part of my life. But, looking towards next year, I'm looking forward to the possibility of maybe not having to plan 4 months of my life around long runs and training. Yeah, that's right... I said maybe. Like I said, this is all a "plan," I haven't always been known for ability to follow through on said plans.

Which brings me to now, here, writing this blog entry. After realizing what a wonderfully transformative experience my first marathon was through re-visiting my blog, I've decided to document my "last" marathon in similar fashion. Sure, maybe I'll run other marathons in the future, but for some reason, number 5 seems like a good time to stop for now. We'll see.

Anyways, I've managed to miss documenting the first month or so of training... I'll fill you in: I ran. A lot. It got cold. It got weirdly warm for awhile. It got cold again, and then it snowed a ton. Now it's warm again. And tonight, I am off to my second track workout. You know how I love track workouts...

Here's to DFMC Number 5, and a successful year of training and fundraising. I look forward to seeing what this year brings, and recording the memories as I go.

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