Thursday, March 6, 2008

Funny Story

So yesterday during some downtime at work I started writing a lovely blog about how, as a gift to everyone, I wasn't going to complain at all about running and I wasn't going to whine about a run gone badly. The blog was titled "A Gift for You" and here is a little excerpt:

"Now, don't get too excited. While I do have a gift for you, it's probably not something that you have always dreamed of having. Don't get me wrong, you'll like it, probably even thank your lucky stars that I gave it to you, but by no means is it a pony, a shiny new car, or something else equally as exciting. My gift to you today, dear reader, is that I am not going to whine, complain, throw a tantrum, cry, or otherwise voice any problems directly or indirectly related to marathon training. I know, it's not much of a "gift" per se, but if you're someone who has to talk to me on a regular basis, or even someone who reads this blog intermittently you are well aware that I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking and talking about all of the ways in which marathon training is going wrong, or not going exactly how I want it to. Well, not today."

There was a little more to it, but by the time the work day had ended I hadn't finished the entry yet, so I saved it and left to go to the gym. The only thing I'll say about my trip to the gym was that it didn't go so well and after being there only 30 minutes I gave up and just went home. My body was so tired. Of course, the first thing I wanted to do was complain about it, and who better to complain to than the internet where I can say whatever I want and no one can talk back to me. Well, I opened up my blog and what do I find there, staring me in the face? My entry about not complaining. Great. I deleted the post. But, in the interest of not complaining (or at least not complaining too much) I am going to say one thing and one thing only and then move on...


Anyways, I'm well rested and ready to get back out on the roads tonight. It's Thursday, so it's a Crossroads night, which means hills, hills and more hills. Bring it on!

In fundraising news, I only have $2600 left to go until I reach my fundraising goal of $9000!!!! It seems like just yesterday I was crossing the $3000 mark. Thanks so much to everyone who has donated so far!

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