Sunday, October 28, 2007

Almost forgot...

My most important marathon related moment of the week... my first donation!! (besides the one I gave myself... which I don't think counts)

Thanks to Diggy for getting the ball rolling with the fundraising efforts. I have a feeling that the fundraising is going to be even harder than the running.

Week 1-2

Okay, so I have to play a little catch up here because I have technically been training for 2 weeks now... after this I'm going to try to keep this updated a little bit better. So, here we go:

Week One:

total miles- 14
We had our first DFMC meeting on the 16th of that week. It really got me pumped up for the training... so much so that I kind of over did it on Wednesday and then had to take it easy the next couple of days. But overall it was a decent week of runs.

Week 2:

total miles- 11
I have to admit, the Red Sox being in the World Series are not doing me any favors here. Luckily this is happening now as opposed to further into my training. So, I slacked a little this week. After the Sox win it all tonight (fingers crossed) I will get back on track!

Also, I started my fundraising today, or at least the set up of my website. Check it out at

Go Sox!